
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2021

Why I chose Social Work

When I was in my first year of high school, I realized that my NEM was very important, and because in elementary school I wanted to be a lawyer, I decided to strive for my studies; but as the years passed, I realized that I really wanted to be more socially linked, all thanks to my participation in student centers, representative of 4th grade, extracurricular activities with OPD, etc.  Thanks to that and many other factors is that I had 3 options: Political Science, Social Work or Public Administration; as the PSU approached and with it my selection of universities, it was that I opted for the university of Chile as my first choice, where I enrolled my first two options within this university. For bad or maybe now good luck, I did not stay in Political Science but in Social Work I was on the waiting list, I was about to give up, since I only got 600 points in the PSU and the cut-off score was about 650 or 675, I was a little depressed and enrolled in the St. Thomas Institute to study S