My future job

Being in the third year of my career is recurring the cuestion what job will i have? so I have some conclusions, most linked to public politics, either in a goverment institution or derived from it; imagine myself in a job where can i do a lot from my desk, but also on the ground, so as not to fall into monotony, I hope to be in some area related to people and can visit different realities and be a source of help. If I could travel in my work it would be amazing and I hope to achieve it as a social worker. The salary, although it is something very important, I hope it is higher than the minimum salary, but i feel that the most important thig is to make a change, however minimal it may be that is, the vocation is more relevant to me than money. In my career there are no specialties, but there is something similar called "Nucleus" where different problems are addressed in a theoretical and sometimes practical way.

I hope to be linked to the nucleus of human rights and dictatorship, since the historical thing now I am at the core of profesional resistance, where I analyze the various problems of professionals in different programs taught by the state; I decide to enter that nucleus since I did not know the others and the teachers in charge are very pleasant to work it.


  1. That great to be able to carry out a job from vocation, without doubt an important contribution!

  2. Wow, you have a great vocation, good luck in the whole process.


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