My dream travel

When someone ask me where i want to go, i always say England, and i have sou much reasons for go, one of them is the culture, that sophisticated way to talk and the amability of the people sounds really wonderful; other reason is the history, everybody knows that England have sou much history, with all the kings and queens who own beautiful palaces and i really want to see in person, also i know more about the crown thanks to the series "the crown" and that called more my atention.

One of my dreams is live there even if is for a while, but that would be amazing, and if i can make an exchange i'd be very happy, because if i go i can practice and improve my english in the country of my dreams.

The last reason (of course i have more, but i don't want to overplay) that i want to go there is all that museums, i really enjoy to go to a good museum, and in england everything can be better, cause there is the Beatles's museum and is one of my favorite bands! be there just can blow my mind.


  1. Always called me attention the way of speaking english of the england people and i loved and i'll love to speak that way...


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