Career changes

asked me about the practices in my career I point out the cores, since there are no practices in my curricular mesh. I think that would be the biggest change to my program of studies, to include at least a semester of practice, since I feel that many times it is necessary to know the work environment in which we will be inserted or at least so that we know what the needs of future users are and how to complement our studies with what will come. On the other hand, I consider that the workload in many cases has been very poorly distributed, since it is not very comfortable for students to have 3 or 4 evaluations within the same week; I hope that the way the assessments are distributed can be maximum 2 per week. Continuing with the modifications, I think the teaching methods are quite comfortable, clearly in pandemic context the way of

teaching is different and it is very difficult to criticize, but in my experience in face-to-face classes they are quite comfortable and didactic. The use of technology in classes is quite good, since most teachers use slides and materials usually taken from the web, such as kahoot or youtube; I hope that the next time we have face-to-face classes we can improve some things that have been somehow deficient or perhaps different.


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