
Career changes

When asked me about the practices in my career I point out the cores, since there are no practices in my curricular mesh. I think that would be the biggest change to my program of studies, to include at least a semester of practice, since I feel that many times it is necessary to know the work environment in which we will be inserted or at least so that we know what the needs of future users are and how to complement our studies with what will come. On the other hand, I consider that the workload in many cases has been very poorly distributed, since it is not very comfortable for students to have 3 or 4 evaluations within the same week; I hope that the way the assessments are distributed can be maximum 2 per week. Continuing with the modifications, I think the teaching methods are quite comfortable, clearly in pandemic context the way

My next summer vacation

For my next summer vacation I would love to go to the south of Chile and I think it will be possible; my family likes to go out all together, that's why my grandparents want us to know Valdivia and some places on the way there. The reason for these outings is to know the south of Chile that we always see in photos or documentaries and that is so beautiful; my grandparents and I love historic places, while my parents and siblings love doing new activities, like getting to know new lakes or beaches and playing in those places. We also like to take pictures of the places we know. I hope that in the next holidays we can go out as a family and enjoy; it is necessary to mention with whom I would go, among which is my family, where we are 4 brothers and my parents, there are also my grandparents plus my cousin and my uncles plus my

Music is love

  For this free theme I have decided to choose the music and how it has influenced my life. First of all I must mention that in my family there has always been music, although no one plays an instrument or sings, listening to all kinds of music has always been part of us. My father was the first to show me this wonderful world by listening to mythical bands like AC/DC, The Beatles, Queen, etc. Bands whose songs made me feel very happy and free; my mother on the other hand was very romantic, I listened to Ricardo Arjona, Los Temerarios, Camilo Sesto, etc. That's why my music mix on Spotify or youtube are very varied!   I listen to all kinds of music and feel like it's my best therapy; when I'm doing jobs I listen to a little rock to motivate myself or maybe a little jazz to clear my ideas and when I listen to music everythi

Post graduate studies

During my time studying, I feel that how demanding it has been to study at university, I have generated the desire to learn more about various topics, but this year thanks to the subject of public policy I felt a need or desire to specialize in it. The main reason is that it was easy for me to understand and when I applied it I did well, in edition to that it is extremely interesting for me to learn more about the various public policies and their importance. I would love to study at another university but spanish speaking, I don't have much knowledge of english but if I have the possibility of going to a country where they speak that lenguage, I would gladly do so and strove  for it. I hope to be able to study part-time and face-to-face (praying for the pandemic to end) this way I could word and study, so I can afford my expenses and my postgraduate degree. I understand that graduates are quite complex but I trust in my abilities and I long to achieve my goles and be a professiona

My future job

Being in the third year of my career is recurring the cuestion what job will i have? so I have some conclusions, most linked to public politics, either in a goverment institution or derived from it; imagine myself in a job where can i do a lot from my desk, but also on the ground, so as not to fall into monotony, I hope to be in some area related to people and can visit different realities and be a source of help. If I could travel in my work it would be amazing and I hope to achieve it as a social worker. The salary, although it is something very important, I hope it is higher than the minimum salary, but i feel that the most important thig is to make a change, however minimal it may be that is, the vocation is more relevant to me than money. In my career there are no specialties, but there is something similar called "Nucleus" where different problems are addressed in a theoretical and sometimes practical way. I hope to be linked to the nucleus of human rights and dictators

Why I chose Social Work

When I was in my first year of high school, I realized that my NEM was very important, and because in elementary school I wanted to be a lawyer, I decided to strive for my studies; but as the years passed, I realized that I really wanted to be more socially linked, all thanks to my participation in student centers, representative of 4th grade, extracurricular activities with OPD, etc.  Thanks to that and many other factors is that I had 3 options: Political Science, Social Work or Public Administration; as the PSU approached and with it my selection of universities, it was that I opted for the university of Chile as my first choice, where I enrolled my first two options within this university. For bad or maybe now good luck, I did not stay in Political Science but in Social Work I was on the waiting list, I was about to give up, since I only got 600 points in the PSU and the cut-off score was about 650 or 675, I was a little depressed and enrolled in the St. Thomas Institute to study S

Multi-faceted Robert

Right at the moment that i saw the movie "Back to the future" (1985) i was intrigued to know who had written and directed, for my surprise Robert Lee Zemeckis was both. That movie was the first that made my imagination fly, specially when i saw such original and eccentric characters as the Dr. Brown and Marty Mcfly that made us dreaming with time travel. The impact was so impressive that later become a trilogy, full of science fiction and comedy.  I wanted to continue knowing about his films and his career watching movies like "Forrest Gump" (1994) and "Romancing the stone" (1984) where it promotes values like perseverance, respect, equality, among others.  On the other side and surprising me once again, by directing animated films like "The polar express" (2004) and "Monster house" (2006), we can distinguish Robert's direction by noting how he always includes different morals and teachings that can be understood by all ages, i feel